There has been a flurry of creative activity and gardening going on around here, but I haven't been pausing often enough to take photos.
I want to keep in touch with all you faithful visitors, though, so I'll share some moments from the recent past.
I'm in love with this "sewing-tiny-wool-scraps-onto-a-backing" technique, and have been playing around with different ways to use it. We've been testing these placemats out.

They are luxurious, lovely placemats; they make me want to just rest my head down on them while I'm eating! When I washed them, the triangle edging became frayed and warbly; not sure if these wool placemats would hold up to repeated washings. So I probably won't go into production making them to sell, even though they are fine, wonderful objects.
Here's a photo of Rick with his sheet-mulching demonstration.

He set it up in the permaculture booth at the recent Yard, Garden, and Patio Show in Portland. We're sheet-mulching enthusiasts, with all of our veggie-garden beds being sheet-mulched, and more, besides.
And here's some knitting. I blasted through this cabled vest; it's my first time doing cables.

I revised the pattern to knit it all in one piece, so no sewing up at the end. The only thing I didn't like about that method is that when I'd notice a mistake in the cable pattern a row or two back, to fix it would require ripping out the rows across the entire vest! Being the lazy sort, I mostly left in the mistakes. After all, it's my first cable project, and when I wear it, the general public won't even notice those lumpy spots. Next time I'll be a better cable-knitter!
Now I'm at the finishing up part, which involves knitting I-cord around the entire vest. For some reason I haven't been able to get myself motivated to get going on that part, so it's been languishing in the ufo pile. I guess I'm a little worried that after all this knitting, I won't the way it looks on me, so I'm postponing that moment.
Look for upcoming posts of the latest creations & garden growings!
Happy spring weekend to you all.
for a first-time cable knitter you've chosen to knit a lot of them:)) looks good to me - don't worry about mistakes, most people don't notice them anyway! I like your mats, too - though I wonder how long they would last with the two "piggies" I have to feed everyday:))
ReplyDeleteThanks for the cable-comment. Once I figured out how to do the cables without the cable needle, it moved along and was a pretty interesting knit.
ReplyDeleteYeh, that technique for the placemats doesn't make for a super-washable surface. It's better suited for things that don't need to be washed. Luckily, Rick and I don't have too many dinner spills!
me again:)) I think it's great that you tried to work without a cable needle! most knitters I know cling to them all their "knitting life" - and without them I find working the cable is much faster and easier.
ReplyDeleteI think I stick to the washable cotton/linen mats for now - I live in hope that at least DS will grow out of mucking about in the nearer future:)) I have great plans to do decoration for my house after that! place mats, afghans, pillows etc...
I don't have children, but I imagine they have a great impact on decorating choices! (easy care, low maintenance, etc). But I think that's much better than having many "special/don't touch" items around the house; then the kids can't even relax in their own home. Your DS will be out of the house soon enough, and maybe you'll even find yourself "missing" those messes (hee hee..but then, maybe not!)
ReplyDeleteprobably the latter:)) and in the meantime I can always make fully washable cotton place mats etc. I guess I am just not the "do not touch" type! and I make the precious stuff to give away as presents - for now....