Hello, and thanks for stopping by! I had a swell two days at the Cracked Pots recycled art show out at Edgefield. One couldn't ask for a more beautiful venue, and the crowd who showed up to look and shop was great. I had so many nice conversations with folks. The rain was a bit of a dampener on Wednesday, but I am thankful that I was dry inside of Blackberry Hall. I was lucky enough to be neighbors with Debbie Ellis, maker of colorful, edgy, wonderful Art Clocks. Having swell neighbors at art shows makes ALL the difference!
I am taking a little break from doing shows until November-ish. I will post them on the "Events" page as soon as they are scheduled.
These days I've been posting pictures of works in progress and farm stuff on Instagram. You can check it out here.
Green Grin also has a Facebook page here.
And I also have a website here.
Lately I've been using this blog to post info about my shows, but there is plenty of great content in the archives, lots of photos of works in progress, crafting projects, and farm happenings. Feel free to poke around!